2022 IoT & Edge Developer Survey Report 

Download the leading open source technical survey in IoT and edge computing to discover key findings and industry trends for 2022.

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Download the report for key findings like:

  • Agriculture (23%) has emerged as the leading industry for IIoT and edge computing technology, followed by industrial automation (22%), automotive (20%), and energy & smart cities (17%).

  • Concerns around security have nearly doubled in this year’s survey, making it one of the top 3 challenges developers face, along with connectivity, and data collection & analytics.

  • Edge computing is gaining traction in real world applications as top edge computing workloads all show significant increases in adoption.


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About the Eclipse IoT Working Group

The Eclipse IoT Working Group represents one of the largest open source collaborations in the world spanning 47 projects from more than 360 contributors and over 32 million lines of code produced. Eclipse IoT projects have been adopted by world-leading companies across verticals to deliver commercial IoT solutions and services.

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About the Edge Native
Working Group

The Eclipse Edge Native Working Group strives to provide ready-to-use open source technology that adheres to Edge Native principles that focuses on unifying architecture, to bring Cloud Native architectures to run at the edge. We’re focused on understanding and resolving the challenges that make the edge so different from the cloud.

Eclipse Foundation